Utilising the latest high efficiency biomass conversion technology to deliver renewable gas for injection into the grid, as well as potentially electricity, gas and heat for use by co-located businesses on a “behind the meter” basis.

The Ararat Bioenergy project is a transformational bioenergy and Circular Economy project, to be developed and centred in a new industrial park in Ararat, Western Victoria.
In a region known all over the world for its cereal cropping, this project is designed to maximise the effective use of low-grade or excess straw and crop stubble, and potentially other organic waste streams, transforming them into renewable gas, electricity, heat and other valuable co-products such as renewable fertiliser, hydrogen and/or biomethanol.
The project will be supported by the local Ararat Rural City Council who will assist with attracting co-located industrial tenants and approaches to relevant government agencies. Federation University in Ballarat will provide research support, establishing a regional ‘Centre of Excellence’ for bioenergy and precision agricultural expertise.

300,000 tonnes of straw
feedstock supplied
from local farmers

20-30% typical savings on “behind the meter” gas & electricity

price volatility

Production of valuable

Working towards zero net emissions

Supporting industrial development and new business

Unlocking new income for farmers and job creation
“This project is really exciting for the domestic bioenergy sector and will deliver one of the largest biogas plants in the world. It brings to life everything that is positive and ‘value-adding’ about our sector in a way that no other form of renewable energy can truly replicate. This has potential to energise a regional community that is seeking to be an active participant in the Circular Economy, by turning ag waste into a valuable, low carbon commodity.”
Shahana McKenzie
CEO, BioEnergy Australia

Project benefits
The Ararat Bioenergy Project will provide significant benefit to the Grampians region by supporting industrial development and new business, while unlocking new income for farmers and providing jobs in the region.
For the